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Interview tips: How to show confidence!

The day has come and the job interview is coming up. It's totally fine to be nervous - everyone involved knows the situation and nobody expects applicants to be completely relaxed. You can also assume that you will be trusted with the job in the first place - otherwise we wouldn't have invited you in the first place. We'll tell you here how you can improve your interview performance:

Author: itesys AG |
 read time: 3 min.

What do you need to look out for?

Practice, practice, practice

Just as a startup is able to pitch to an investor at the touch of a button, you should be able to pitch yourself. Who are you, where are you from, what do you like to do, why did you apply here?

Nobody knows you as well as you know yourself. The more key points you write down about your life, the more confident you will feel and the better you will be able to answer our questions with confidence.

The courage to leave a gap

A gap of two months or more is obvious to the trained eye. But there is always an explanation for gaps - just be prepared to be able to answer. Important here: you don't have to tell us a personal story - a rough classification is sufficient. A little tip: give your CV a central theme before you send it off and fill in any gaps - truthfully, of course - with references such as “stay abroad”, “professional reorientation” or “secondary employment”

But what if you get out of flow?

Insecurities are completely normal and, above all, human! How can you always be on the safe side?

1. Are you running late or having trouble dialing in?
Call us quickly, because that way we know what's going on and don't have to wait in vain.    With a call, you demonstrate commitment and dedication - so it's a “Forget it!”   

2. You don't know the answer?
In some cases, we set tasks that do not require a technically correct answer. We want to see live how you approach the task and whether you have the right solution. So simply explain how you would approach the problem and what you would do to find a solution - this shows your hands-on mentality!   

3. All your pre-written questions to the company have already been answered?
Unpleasant! Because questions to the company show your genuine interest. A quick remedy is to ask the company representatives personal questions. How long have you been with the company and what have you achieved recently? Why would you personally recommend working for you? 

We hope you notice that we are all human! Have the courage and look forward to the conversation - because we're definitely looking forward to meeting you!

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