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Insights: Behind the scenes

The world of IT may be changing rapidly, but classics remain timeless - like the legendary film Matrix. This cult film was the source of inspiration for our recruitment film, which shows how technology and creativity can be perfectly combined at itesys. Immerse yourself in the story behind the film with us!

Author: itesys AG |
 read time: 3 min.

The idea: IT meets science fiction

It started with a simple question: How could we explain a complex topic like SAP Basis in an entertaining and memorable format?

In an interview, the statements ‘Are you part of the matrix? Then you are at home with us’ & “With us, SAP Basis is not what nobody sees - because we know what you can really do”. And from this, Isensee Film conjured up the idea: why not combine the iconic Matrix world with the IT world? After all, there is hardly a better symbol for digital transformation than diving into another reality.

The shoot: between green figures and team spirit

The day of filming itself was as full of energy as a scene from the Matrix. Excitement was in the air as the team brought the iconic green rows of numbers to life.

  • Did we travel to a castle especially for one part of the shoot? Oh yes!
  • Did we dress up in fishnet tops and leather suits especially for this part? Of course we did.
  • Did we dress up for the shoot in the office? Of course we did!
  • Did we tidy up our office for the day of filming? Not necessary - thanks to our clean desk policy!

The concept and realisation were highly professional - but there was still plenty of fun to be had on set. Small mishaps and spontaneous interludes made for lots of laughs behind and in front of the camera. A rough concept became a finished video that fully reflects us.

Old but gold

Our recruiting film is also slowly getting on in years after being shot in 2021. Matrix is more than just a film - it is a symbol of the courage to break new ground and question the tried and tested. That's exactly what we do every day at itesys. This video reminds us that sometimes you have to look back to realise how far you've come.

Can't get enough of the itesys Matrix?