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Insights: A daily life full of flexibility

Flexibility - a state we all strive for. But what does this word actually mean? How can flexibility be aligned with our daily duties and responsibilities?

Author: itesys AG |
 read time: 3 min.

What is flexibility?

First of all, let's look at the definition:

Flexibility refers to the ability to adapt to different situations, demands or conditions while being open to change. It is the ability to easily adapt to new circumstances, overcome challenges and consider different options.

Flexibility is therefore a flexible term. If we relate it purely to work structuring, the following definition remains:

In the work context, flexibility refers to how openly and adaptably working hours, location and tasks can be organized for employees. Flexible working arrangements enable us all to adapt our working conditions to individual needs. All for a better work-life balance, greater satisfaction and productivity.

There are companies that extend flexibility in one direction or the other almost indefinitely. We are certain: the golden middle is truly golden!

We focus on:

  1. Flexible working hours: You can largely organize your working hours yourself in coordination with your team, your manager and the customers you are responsible for. For example, you can pick up your daughter from school earlier than planned or attend a doctor's appointment. Our variable working time model gives you the freedom you need.

  2. Work location flexibility: the clearest advantage in IT! Because we don't need a crane, a workbench or a hammer. No, we just need our notebook and luckily it hardly weighs anything. Working from home is therefore an integral part of our culture. And yet there is one thing to bear in mind: People work in IT services too - who doesn't enjoy a personal coffee in between? And you also learn important details on the water cooler talk from time to time.

  3. Task flexibility: Monotonous work, a horror for most of us. Even if repetitive tasks give us a sense of security, in the long run they tend to put us to sleep and, in the worst case, lead to boreout. That can't happen with us, because we create the right variety through projects and different focus topics in our expert teams. And best of all, this leads to your personal development at the same time.

What could a flexible day look like?

«When I go to the office, my alarm rings at 6:30 AM. In the summer, I love going to work early to fully enjoy the sunny afternoons at Lake Constance. Breakfast? Not really my thing… That's why I'm usually in the car by 7:00 AM and at the office by 7:30 AM at the latest.

When working from home, I like to get a bit more sleep. My alarm then goes off at 7:30 AM. After a leisurely tea and a bit of a true crime podcast, I think about what to wear – after all, we have our meetings with the camera on. We're not too strict about home office pants – the main thing is that you have some on. By 8:00 AM, I'm at my desk and start the day by checking emails.

At home, I like to eat later than in the office, where colleagues already gather around the grill on our rooftop terrace at noon. I prefer to cook something quick (lemon pasta is always a good option) and then lie down on the couch for a bit to watch YouTube documentaries about bomb disposal. Today, however, I'll take a short break because the weather is too good and I want to finish work at 3:30 PM to bike to the lake. Unfortunately, the weather is supposed to be bad tomorrow. But the day will be longer anyway, as we have a candidate coming in for an interview in the late afternoon. For today, I’m enjoying full flexibility.»

- Laura Benzinger, YOUR Talent Manager -

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