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What is SAP FI/CO?


SAP FI/CO are the two modules within SAP ERP. SAP FI contains accounting, which is specifically summarised as financial accounting and for this reason has been given the abbreviated form FI. This module contains, for example, accounts receivable and accounts payable. Furthermore, bank accounting and asset accounting are represented. Especially the latter is important in manufacturing companies in order to be recorded as a fixed asset in the balance sheet. The entire FI module thus forms the basis for legally compliant accounting and listing of financial resources within a company.

In SAP CO we find the classical controlling. Overhead cost, product cost, cost type and process cost accounting are some exemplary applications that are to be understood under this. Even corporate controlling and the division into profit centres can be mapped for SAP in this way. This is particularly interesting for areas where projects or products from different areas are designed or manufactured. Project management and company management can determine which departments, for example, have worked on the project in a particularly profitable or loss-making way. Conclusions can be drawn about improvements in processing, determination of savings potentials or general poor sales margins of a product or service.

More information about SAP operation can be found here.